
We invite you to discover one of the most innovative music programs available today. The Harmony Road Music Course is a unique group piano program for children from tots to teens. Developed by a leading early childhood music specialist, it is available in over 100 locations in the U.S., as well as Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Germany.  The Harmony Road program offers a holistic approach to teaching music. In each lesson children experience a variety of musical concepts through activities such as singing, moving to music, ear training, playing with rhythm instruments, note reading games, and keyboard solo and ensemble performance. A parent participates in all classes, encouraging a sharing atmosphere that will greatly influence your child's musical growth. 

Group Piano Classes
For Ages 5-12 yrs

Classes meet weekly for 45 minutes. Our unique program features solfege singing, ear training, rhythm & keyboard ensembles, circle dances, note reading and theory games, as well as improvisation and composing. Recitals are twice yearly. Classes are grouped by age/grade. Advancing students are offered the opportunity to participate in adjudicated events such as MTAC's 'Certificate of Merit' program, Guild, Jazz/Pop Festival, Sonatina Festival, Bach Festival, and Improvisation Evaluation.


Early Childhood Music Classes
For Toddlers/Preschoolers

For children age 16m-4 years, these classes meet weekly for 30 minutes, with a parent participating in each lesson. Activities include singing, movement, keyboard introduction, playing with rhythm instruments, finger games, rocking/cuddling songs, and activities using balls, scarves and hoops.