Where Are They Now?
Andrew is a senior in high school, where he plays piano/keyboard with the jazz band. He began piano at age 5 and continued through all Harmony Road courses, where he now takes private piano. Since 2017 he has performed annually in various MTAC festivals including Jazz Pop Festival, Winter Festival, Barnes & Noble Christmas Recitals, MTAC’s Certificate of Merit evaluation, MTAC Improvisation Convention Recital, and Piano Guild (performing a 10 piece program in 2021). He has won several awards and trophies for his musical achievements. He plans to attend the University of Notre Dame and major in biochemistry.
Coco was 16 months old when she enrolled in our toddler program. She continued with the group piano courses and graduated to private piano lessons in her later elementary years. She wrote her first composition at 5 years old and submitted it to MTAC’s Composer’s Today evaluation. She has entered the CT evaluations each year since, performing at their annual Convention every summer. She is 16 years old and has studied improvisation and composition with Alexandra Hawley and Dr. John Douglas Davis, Professor Emeritus at CSU Bakersfield. She has performed her works at MTAC’s Composers Today Symposium and Improvisation Celebration Recital annually since 2012. Coco’s “Rainbow Suite'' placed 2nd in MTAC’s 2021 State Composition Contest and won an NGPT Award in the American College of Musicians and National Guild of Piano Teachers’ 2022 International Piano Composition Contest. Coco is passionate about music theory and has achieved a perfect score every year in the Certificate of Merit Theory Exam, including at the Advanced Level. She is currently studying music composition at the New England Conservatory of Music.
Anna Grace began her musical journey at age 5. Her accomplishments include ACSI Piano Festival (3 yrs), Guild (3 yrs), MTAC's Certificate of Merit (7 yrs), Improvisation Evaluation (4 yrs, performing at each Convention), Jazz Pop Festival (2010, 2012, 2013, and 2014), Romantic Festival (4 yrs), and Bach Festival. She has also participated in three piano master classes (2010 w/Philip Keveren, 2012 w/Forrest Kinney, and 2014 w/Jazz pianist Bryan Pezzone). She began teaching toddler and preschool music classes at Harmony Road and later included teaching group piano. She received her piano performance degree from CSUB in 2020. She has been married since 2020 and is mom to a beautiful toddler who attends music class each week and a newborn. She also maintains a small private studio of piano students.